
I'm really sorry for procrastinating all my projects. Lots of things are happening rn and not continuing my stories stems from the awkwardness and the lack of motivation for writing. Those years are quite a challenge for me and I'm writing those three stories in my leisure time, which I don't have neither energy for it. So, I'm really sorry for not posting very often and I hope I don't disappointed someone for doing this. Please hold to it.


I'm really sorry for procrastinating all my projects. Lots of things are happening rn and not continuing my stories stems from the awkwardness and the lack of motivation for writing. Those years are quite a challenge for me and I'm writing those three stories in my leisure time, which I don't have neither energy for it. So, I'm really sorry for not posting very often and I hope I don't disappointed someone for doing this. Please hold to it.


A new project is coming soon! Stay tuned! EcoBrutalism is the main theme and I'm so happy to share those news with you guys. I know that I have been absent for like 6 months or more, but now I'm back with new ideas for my stories. Let's see how everything is going to be developed! <3 Stay safe!


This kind of situation, guys, is going to be continued due to my Erasmus studies. It's really tough to study all day and still staying behind from others... It's really sucks. Nevermind. I'm just here to tell you ,y'all, that I believe that on summer time I' ll be free from all those kind of studies and such pressure and maybe I' ll upload new stories more often. However, this is a thought of mine. I' ll tell you guys, as soon as I am free. Since then, Bye!! STAY SAFEEEE!


Okay... Maybe I should stop apologizing about not doing what I promised. I am going to upload new stories whenever I can and I feel like it. Thanks for following me and reading my stories.  I really appreciate it!! I love you guys!


Okay okay. I admit it. I was dead for almost a year and I'm truly sorry about no uploading new chapters. I was too busy with my studies ,plus, I have no idea how to continue my stories. I'm out of ideas ,but well, you can say if I'm gonna concentrate and start writing , I'll be able to continue. I'll try it though. Don't worry. I'll be back in a flash. 


Hello, everyone. Well... At this very moment, I am busy af, because of my studies. University can be so hard when you believe you're gonna fail... Hehe. Yeah... No positive at all, but I am trying. Till the Christmas holidays, I am not going to upload any other new parts of my stories. Just to be said this, I'm still confused about my own self for doing this. Well, see you in the Christmas holidays.