
my keyboard got messed up cause i accidently spilled wáter on it so until i can fix it i cant update


Thank you for the follow honey 


            I'm sure I'll love them!


            I’m excited for you to read my books, though a lot of them need revision, I hope you still enjoy them. I don’t mind the comments at all, hehe


@LadyKimTae you're welcome
            I'm planning on reading you're stories soon when I'm done reading the book I am now so I followed you to make sure I didn't lose you're account. Expect a lot of random comments at 3 in the morning lol!


I'm just sitting by my fan as my just done straight hair flows behind me and as I lay my hand on my knee in front of the fan so that my black nail polish dries as I watch sex education at 11:27 pm knowing damn well I have school tomorrow and won't wanna wake up.
          fight me I wanna feel pretty and edgy


nah im just you're average 15 year old (16 in April) Latina girl. And thank you! I tend to be extremely nice to everyone, even people I just met lol. I don't like to be hated so to me first impressions are everything


@wEeBnUmbEr99 I don't know if you hear this a lot but I can promise you that I completely and honestly understand. There's not much to be happy about anymore. Whether it's you're life or the world around you, none of it is good anymore. And being the friendship counselor is something I know all too well. I give advice to everyone but when I want to talk to them they don't listen. You're not alone and I know it gets hard to wake up and want to live sometimes but you have to push through. Not for other people but for yourself. Stick it to all those people that they won't get you down. I don't know you irl but I can already tell you're an amazing and sweet person. Sometimes life is worth living. And even if you can't find anything to be happy about, smile. Smile and laugh even if it's all fake. It'll become enjoyable. And it's great to see the faces of people when they see they couldn't get to you.


@wEeBnUmbEr99 Never apologize for wanting to vent, it's good to want to talk about how you feel. And of course you can, I'm all ears and here to help!
            also sorry for the very late reply


I got back to school today. I was super excited to see all my friends again and show them that my hair that was usually curly was straight. I was hoping I could joke with them for a while and stuff but I only ended up seeing them for a few minutes before they left. And maybe it's just me but it made me feel so unwanted and alone. I was planning everything out for weeks. Seeing them again, talking for a while, giving them the ocassional advice, laughing and joking around.  But it was all just thrown to the side so easily. I guess it just made me realise people here aren't really the best. I want to leave


@wEeBnUmbEr99 I never believed in any of t. Even as a kid. I mean I've always been pretty un emotional and calm(until anxiety came along ya know). Religion just never and probably forever won't be my thing


@wEeBnUmbEr99 you have nothing to apologize about because you're exactly right. That's the reason me and my mom don't get along.


@wEeBnUmbEr99 I hope so
            she says that she can be my therapist since she's all Christian and stuff but every time I tell her what's wrong she says I'm faking it and calls me a manipulative bitch


I'm thinkin of writing a joe Goldberg story. I mean I've been so obsessed with YOU I feel like I could actually get this going and finish it. So yeah, you should probably be expecting that.
          And too my "DKB" readers a new update will be by today or tomorrow