@lionrainbowskittles KILLMEKILLMEKILLMEKILLMEEE. i have embarrassed myself into oblivion. i have this crush on this guy named ricardo and we've talked a couple of times at school like he wrapped his arm around me and called me his girlfriend and he told me to hold his hand once when we were walking... and when we're at shows we joke around and at the last show he was all over me with his arm around me and calling me his girl and you know how when people are dating, the guy is against the wall holding the girl in front of him? well we were like taht but i was holding him and his back was in my face anc he was grinding on me for some reason and i thought he was going to kiss me at one point but i turned my head but now he started to poke me on facebook and it sends the texts to my phone when he does, because i have it set up to do that... and i was texting my friend zan and i was like "omg he started a facebook poking war! i want him, he's so sexy! he has a nice smile and nice arms!" and apparently i didnt click off of the facebook thing and the whole thing i typed was sent to facebook as my status!