
Happy early update sweethearts
          	This is going to be the first& last update for this month I've exam so bear with it,
          	Don't forget to vote and comment as they encourage me to write more!!! 
          	And btw I won't update MOONLIGHT any soon, I will gonna update all the remaining chapter all  after few months, Once I completed writing drafts for JEON'S BABYDOLL. 



Hey dear have you delete the chapter you recently uploaded 


@SMishra079 it's ok I was just curious to read 


@SMishra079  actually it was was a draft only with containing title when I try to write few words I accidentally published it.
            Don't worry I won't hang you like that ever again. It was a mistake and that chapter contain nothing


Hey loves,
          Sorry to disturb y'all but as I'm more comfortable to share my problems on internet rather than telling someone physically. So as I belong to middle class family who have this typical mindset that " girl should act like this and everything". I'm sick of all this. Called me anything you want but I've this thing going in my head that is suicide. Always blame as ugly, ungrateful and burden it's broke my heart. Listening to taunt from my own family everyday is so hurtful . I pray no one not even my enemies see all this things where your own parents taunt you it's hurt here ❤️ I really want to end everything today .
          Hope you never feel this feeling god bless you.
          Bye , you are enough for me, l really love y'all 


@mylifeisimple you're such a sweetheart thank you for understanding me


@Kookic3 Hm..wish it was not like this, the world is cruel but still their's always a hope which will keep us away from giving up. Hope things go right with you and you find a path to be free as soon, from your these problems.


Gonna update tomorrow !!!
          Guess which one ???


Please keep update your books they are soooo good!