
Oh my gosh, I keep reading comments on 'A Runaway Prince' and I swear I want to just shoot myself sometimes. THAT BOOK IS SO OLD NOW LMAOOO how are people still reading, and it's the first one I've ever written. It's so cringey and has so much bad writing (not that my writing now is any better). 
          	Should I do a rewrite of that book. I swear I can't read my own writing without curling into a ball and cringe over myself.


@KookieBunnyAh you can edit if you want... But i love that story that way... It show you progress to what ur today ❤


Hey author are you planning to continue your stories if yes just give some ideas of you coming back 


@KookieBunnyAh Author plz continue "MY FRIEND EX" series ❤️


@ARADHYAMAURYA9 Oh my gosh!! Hello, sorry I just saw this. Yes, I'm planning on coming back with new chapters soon. Happy new year btw ;)


UNNIEEEE!!!!!!! When will you update "My friend's ex"? I'm totally having a breakdown now because i had read it for almost 3 times, and there's no update...... Pleaseee can you update it when you have time? Thank you~
          And also I really loved it~


@MjAmbali Coming back soon with new chapters, don't worry ;)