
Guess who's finally going to enter UNIVERSITY tomorrow!?!?!?
          	Me and I am scared! Any advice?


this message may be offensive
EXO doesn't deserve all this shit!
          EXO are legends of Kpop and they should be treated with respect not only that but because they've gone through so much hate.
          Over the course of the last seven years that I've known EXO (first group I got into), I've read so many different articles and different situations.
          From the start of when Kris Wu left to the other members till when Chen got shamed for coming out as a husband and a father to now with Chanyeol and his "alleged" ex-girlfriend rumors.
          I pains me so much knowing that there are people out there who used to call themselves as "EXO-Ls" bashing and shaming on them because of either their decisions or rumors. 
          People have got to stop assuming the negative and instead just quit and don't say anything. They don't understand that they're idols who are human beings. They having feelings in which get hurt thousands times more than an ordinary fan because they're the ones receiving all the hateful and threatening comments. 
          I've known EXO for 7 years to know that they deserve a lot more than all the hate they're being given. 
          So do us all EXO-L's a favor and if you see any malicious or hateful comments to stop them or tell them to delete it. Because who knows what'll happen in the near future if they don't. 


Hi this is really random but I want thank you so much for following me! I'm sorry I didn't have any time to thank you before! I hope you love what I wrote so far and thank you again!
          I hope you'll have brighter days in the future!
          Stay Sweet


Are there no fanfics about VAV? 


@Queen_Alyeon At least you did. That counts, right?\


@WeWantJeonghan4Life That's why I decided to make my own, but it's not the same~