So change of plans; I'm considering an Amphibia fanfiction. I've recently been smacked with a wave of nostalgia after completely forgetting about the show, and to cope with the lack of fresh content, I'm gonna get my adrenaline junkie self started on some drafting. My main points of concern are as follows:
Where should on the timeline should the exposition take place? This may be an odd question, but I've got a few ideas on where to start the story, with different tones to go along with them.
1. Pre-Amphibia, would allow for more time to flesh out the MC without it just being a one dimensional character with no real weight or depth of any kind, the draw back would likely be pacing and/or burnout/creative liberties(?)
2. Right smack in the beginning of the series, thrown into amphibia
3. Season 3, The MC would take the place of Marcy more or less. This would allow for a darker tone and more of a faceless character, with lots of flashbacks tying into who the MC was before The Core pulled a Sukuna on them. Would be from the perspective of other characters rather than the MC.