Hey peeps! I wanted to inform you about a couple of things... First off I wanted to thank-you guys for your support, I know I always say this... But I really mean it... Even though right now I am not toooo popular at the moment, but I want to be. And it will work with your support, so thank-you! Anyways, I wanted to say that there will now be 4 books in the making, Carmane Diaries, of course, this book is my main book, and it is the most important! And I will also be working on 67 Days To Live, and a new one that I just posted the intro for, A FNAF Fan-Fiction Story: Nightmares Come To Life, which I hope you guys enjoy! Annnnd soon there will be anoooother book, which I will not spoil anything.... Queit yet, but it will be good I promise. One more thing, I will not be working on Middle School Wonders for a long while. I'm sorry if you liked it... In my opinion I don't. So I am going to think of some more ideas for it until I find a way to make it more interesting! That's all so I hope you guys love the new books, and I'll peep to you later! See yah!