
this message may be offensive
Today I went to comic con and I saw a Hawk cosplayer. It honestly made my whole ass week! I took a pic with them I would post but I don’t wanna reveal my identity  but I guess if you have been a follower of mine for a long ass time message me and I’ll kinda show u it lol I’ll cover my face. ^_^


@Koreaboohoo as someone with a mohawk, I was seriously considering being hawk for Halloween


this message may be offensive
Today I went to comic con and I saw a Hawk cosplayer. It honestly made my whole ass week! I took a pic with them I would post but I don’t wanna reveal my identity  but I guess if you have been a follower of mine for a long ass time message me and I’ll kinda show u it lol I’ll cover my face. ^_^


@Koreaboohoo as someone with a mohawk, I was seriously considering being hawk for Halloween


Hello everyone idk if thise who read my stories follow me or not but I hope you all see this. I have been super busy with life and its been hard because I have been taking care of my dad lately and am currently dealing with mental health issue but things are slowly getting better. I plan o update No Mercy soon! So I hope you all look forward to it. ♡


I hope you’re doing well !!


@Koreaboohoo hope you get better :)


@Koreaboohoo those* to* (i cant spell apparently lol)


So I uploaded a new chapter for the AOT fanfic Little Experiment... Don't panic guys I will continue updating. The reason I'm making this post is because I CANNOT respond to comments anymore? I responded to one and then its like ERROR. Like why? So I'm gonna say thank you to everyone. I appreciate you all so much! Also as soon as I can respond to comments I will ;0 love ya all. Stay safe


Author~Chan are you alright? It’s been 2 weeks already, no rush! But are you ok?