
Hi everyone! 
          	Long time no see! I am alive and well! I hope you guys are doing alright. I know it's been AWHILE since you've heard from me. For those of you who have been waiting for an update on any of my stories, thank you for sticking around. I am so sorry to have let you down with an update that has never come. I am so incredibly grateful to have gained a following on here. I was 15 when I started writing these stories and never did I think they would gain the traction they did. Thank you for your support! 
          	I'm sure most of you guys have realized this, but I am no longer continuing my stories. Over the years, I've grown up a lot and am now in a different stage in my life. Writing these stories was a way to get me through high school (and some of college) and express myself creatively. Now that I have graduated college, I have discovered other passions. 
          	Words cannot describe how in shock I was (and honestly still am) that my stories have gained the following they did. I never saw myself as an "author" and truly didn't think these stories would reach an audience. My 15 year old self would go insane if she knew her stories would do well. I think it's time to close this chapter of my life, and move on. I know that I will return to writing one day, but not for awhile. Again, thank you so much for anyone who has continued to read the stories I created when I was 15. I am incredibly grateful to have had your support. Thank you for letting me be a writer and getting me through high school. This has been an amazing journey and I wish I was able to be more consistent on here. I am not deactivating my account, so whatever is left of my stories will remain. Who knows, maybe I will update one day (but I am not promising anything). I wish all of you the best of luck and happy reading! 


Hi everyone! 
          Long time no see! I am alive and well! I hope you guys are doing alright. I know it's been AWHILE since you've heard from me. For those of you who have been waiting for an update on any of my stories, thank you for sticking around. I am so sorry to have let you down with an update that has never come. I am so incredibly grateful to have gained a following on here. I was 15 when I started writing these stories and never did I think they would gain the traction they did. Thank you for your support! 
          I'm sure most of you guys have realized this, but I am no longer continuing my stories. Over the years, I've grown up a lot and am now in a different stage in my life. Writing these stories was a way to get me through high school (and some of college) and express myself creatively. Now that I have graduated college, I have discovered other passions. 
          Words cannot describe how in shock I was (and honestly still am) that my stories have gained the following they did. I never saw myself as an "author" and truly didn't think these stories would reach an audience. My 15 year old self would go insane if she knew her stories would do well. I think it's time to close this chapter of my life, and move on. I know that I will return to writing one day, but not for awhile. Again, thank you so much for anyone who has continued to read the stories I created when I was 15. I am incredibly grateful to have had your support. Thank you for letting me be a writer and getting me through high school. This has been an amazing journey and I wish I was able to be more consistent on here. I am not deactivating my account, so whatever is left of my stories will remain. Who knows, maybe I will update one day (but I am not promising anything). I wish all of you the best of luck and happy reading! 


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating The Thunderbirds, Twilight, and Lab Rats fanfics!  I've been super busy with school, dance, and work, I haven't had much time to write like I did in the summer!  I promise I'm working on these fanfics but just be patient! I will update everything soon! Promise!


@Jaasmine12345 Well hello! I'm so sorry...life kinda just happened and I kept forgetting that my stories actually have readers/followers on here. Thank you so much for sticking with me all this time, it really means a lot! Writing stories on here isn't for me anymore...I just don't have the time to update consistently with my job and have discovered other interests. Never did I think I'd gain followers for my stories on here back when I started. I'm sorry for the let down, and again, just thank you for reading my stories!


@KoreanGirlie  Yeah I feel like 'soon' is never coming. Its been 7 years


Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that I will be traveling out of the country tarting tomorrow and won't have access to my laptop or phone for the next two weeks just in case you guys were wondering why I wasn't updating. But in the mean time you guys can read my stories and maybe vote for them/comment what you think? Thanks! 