
Hello Everyone! I want to ask everyone that has read my storys, What you like about them? Why are they so grate? Or are you just reading them couse your bored! If so, I will be trashing all that and starting anew! Let me know what you guys think! Kori Out!


Hello Everyone! I want to ask everyone that has read my storys, What you like about them? Why are they so grate? Or are you just reading them couse your bored! If so, I will be trashing all that and starting anew! Let me know what you guys think! Kori Out!


Hello my loves! See that I have no hate you all still like me! Good! Couse Coning soon, My very own Anime Called Demon Tamer! It'll be posted on here ONLY! Rules about this story will be in it. Please tell me feedback This means a lot to me. Thank you for you support! Peace out!