
school fuckin up my schedule ngl, sorry y’allllll


my bad y’all, I’ve been overly inconsistent and inactive on my account for the most part. I’m clearly still alive and doing well from this message alone. If I have any more updates when I’ll ACTUALLY be returning, I’ll keep in touch!


@KosmicSev we miss you cosmic... we'll be waiting for your next story !!!


Wow, almost a new year for us over here? Sounds crazy every time I end up here. But just looking back, it was hell of a tough year and I bet it did for everybody else. There were some joys, some obstacles, but a balance in between.
          Other than that, I wish everybody a New Year and that we can push through this one just like the many others we've passed. We gladly survived and made it again! Please enjoy this new year where we can start another journey and start over again and then we'll soon be looking back towards 2024 where it hopefully ends up slightly better than 2023.
          Once again, this is Kosmic and here's to you to another year with good health and a positive mentality!


happy new yearrrr, can't wait to see what 2024 has for us in mind ^_⁠^


crying rn, it was another year full of fun and pain 


p.s. - also, happy birthday to my beloved winter lmao


am i back? fully? idk, i might not just frequently update lmao-
          i sound like cory rn.


it would be nice to see a speculation story after a while •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


speculation christmas story?!?!