
Honestly, it's really sad that I had to stop writing for so long... I really miss that... I hope that I will find some time and start it again. For now, I will start a new "work" where I will just share a few thoughts on various subjects. It's a good start to put writing into my life again and, well, it's always nice to be able to share your thoughts somehow :)


Honestly, it's really sad that I had to stop writing for so long... I really miss that... I hope that I will find some time and start it again. For now, I will start a new "work" where I will just share a few thoughts on various subjects. It's a good start to put writing into my life again and, well, it's always nice to be able to share your thoughts somehow :)


Hmm... interesting.
          I just got my tenth follower :3
          Okay, so I got good news and bad news :P
          The good news is that I have start 2 new stories and Story of Revenge is currently at the middle of it's second part. I also rewritted it's Prologue.
          The bad news are that, after entering university I don't have any time to upload any new chapters :/
          Even thought, I will do my best so I will upload more soon.
          Cya all :)


Για να πω την αλήθεια δεν ήμουν και τόσο ικανοποιημένος με τα πρώτα κεφάλαια του Story of Revenge. Γι' αυτό αποφάσισα να τα ξαναγράψω από την αρχή. Σήμερα θα ανεβάσω την νέα έκδοση του Προλόγου και θα αρχίσω να ανεβάζω και τα υπόλοιπα.
          Για την ώρα γράφω το Δέκατο Κεφάλαιο του δεύτερου μέρους (συνολικά το 30° κεφάλαιο της ιστορίας). Ο λόγος  που δεν έχω ανεβάσει νέα κεφάλαια είναι επειδή δεν έχω και τόσο χρόνο να τα επεξεργαστώ. Ελπίζω να αρχίσω να τα ανεβάζω σιγά σιγά.