yall I miss being in love


If it wasn’t meant to be then just forget
          	  I’ll just write about ppl falling in love and stay single B)


Hate to disappoint and literally go against my last announcement, but I won't be updating today. I have a lot going on, and just havent had time. I am still planning to update Thursday, it's just today I cant.


Hey yall, how would you guys feel about an updating schedule? Like, no promises, but if I update every Tuesday/Thursday or something? I normally start writing in my 6th period, and finish by the time I get home after school or sooner, so it would likely be afternoon updates. What do you think?


So, I'm in the process of writing a new chapter for Not Forgotten. I plan on focusing on that story more than my oneshots for now (unless I have a really good idea). I'm also going to try to update every other week or so. I seriously try to update, my life got super busy this past month, and will be all through spring, but it's fine. I had some writers block, but my geometry class was boring so I wrote out at least half the plotline. Feel free to bug me if I dont update, it just reminds me to write again. 
          Anyway, this was long, so Stay Lovely!


Thanks so much for all of the support! If you haven't already, I'd love it if you could check out my account where I keep all of my originals! It's @_surreality :) ❤️
          P.S. The following link goes to places where you can use your voice & resources to help other people in crisis, including but not limited to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the humanitarian crisis, epidemic, and pandemic currently taking place in Yemen. https://dotherightthing.carrd.co/