
@Shingeki-No-LietPol sorry I just saw your messages now! I don't often check my messages :P  great! And yeah I added you and told Faethe owo 
          	 I'm so excited for the pop culture fair! Yay! Only a few more days! Woo! ((You're going right :?)) 
          	 Also you should download "flying hero" ! It's like flappy bird only with John (homestuck John not Sherlock John or anything else) and yeah it's great! 


Hey! You like Oliver, huh? Have a fav Oliver song or cover? I really liked Oliver's cover of 'when you're gone' and his duet with Miku for 'Dreamlike Night' is also pretty sweet! And F*** you is sorta funny!


Yeah Oliver is my favourite vocaloid! I'd have to say my favourite song is his cover of "I'm Still Alive" but yeah like you said F*** You is pretty funny and also pretty great :D
             Your favourite vocaloid is Len, right? He's my third favourite after Oliver and Luka ^^ I love his song Chilldren and Black Vow which he sung with Rin ^^ 
             Did you draw your profile picture/icon (whatever you want to call it) It's really awesome :D


@Shingeki-No-LietPol sorry I just saw your messages now! I don't often check my messages :P  great! And yeah I added you and told Faethe owo 
           I'm so excited for the pop culture fair! Yay! Only a few more days! Woo! ((You're going right :?)) 
           Also you should download "flying hero" ! It's like flappy bird only with John (homestuck John not Sherlock John or anything else) and yeah it's great!