@Shingeki-No-LietPol sorry I just saw your messages now! I don't often check my messages :P great! And yeah I added you and told Faethe owo
I'm so excited for the pop culture fair! Yay! Only a few more days! Woo! ((You're going right :?))
Also you should download "flying hero" ! It's like flappy bird only with John (homestuck John not Sherlock John or anything else) and yeah it's great!
@Doitsu_ Yes, Len is my fav, but Oliver is so cute, too!
And yeah, I drew them. This one as well as the one it used to be. Thank you for the compliment! I don't draw very often anymore; sometimes I just get in the mood. ^^
Hey! You like Oliver, huh? Have a fav Oliver song or cover? I really liked Oliver's cover of 'when you're gone' and his duet with Miku for 'Dreamlike Night' is also pretty sweet! And F*** you is sorta funny!
Yeah Oliver is my favourite vocaloid! I'd have to say my favourite song is his cover of "I'm Still Alive" but yeah like you said F*** You is pretty funny and also pretty great :D
Your favourite vocaloid is Len, right? He's my third favourite after Oliver and Luka ^^ I love his song Chilldren and Black Vow which he sung with Rin ^^
Did you draw your profile picture/icon (whatever you want to call it) It's really awesome :D
@Shingeki-No-LietPol sorry I just saw your messages now! I don't often check my messages :P great! And yeah I added you and told Faethe owo
I'm so excited for the pop culture fair! Yay! Only a few more days! Woo! ((You're going right :?))
Also you should download "flying hero" ! It's like flappy bird only with John (homestuck John not Sherlock John or anything else) and yeah it's great!
Gasps you hate your real name? It's so pretty tho! You look like a person that would have that name too. :3 yeah basically me at 1:30 am trying to tell you that your name is fabulous. :3
I got my Rin cosplay! Oh and I got a new snapchat because my current one wasn't working properly... :/ anyways my new one is weirdotaco. :3 tell faethey too, please! :3
@Shingeki-No-LietPol Whispers you watch KnK? I love it to much, Hiroomi is the best ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) [In my opinion anyway ^^] unfortunately the Fandom isn't very big ★~(◡︿◡✿)