
Hello lovely readers !
          	It's with great pleasure that I announce to you the release of my first self-published book on Amazon: It's called Diamond Dynasty and I'm really excited to see how it'll perform ;) 
          	If you want to support, feel free to check it out on Amazon. Here's the blurb: 
          	"Dakar 1983...
          	When Malik was offered to move to Dakar and work in his father's friend jewelry workshop, he took it as an opportunity to finally develop his craft and get his family out of the poverty loop they've been stuck in for generations.
          	But moving to the capital city has taught him more than one thing about hardship and he knows his road to success won't be easy.
          	Things only get worse when he falls in love with the daughter of his employer, a woman as beautiful as she is unattainable. Pursuing a relationship with her could break his career but Malik can't stand imagining her with another guy. Yet, the competition becomes rough when a much more successful and privileged guy sets his eyes on her.
          	Will he manage to prove his worth to Ayesha and her father? The only way to achieve it is to take over the jewelry industry but that dream seems so far away when you're stuck at the bottom of the pit with so many obstacles on your way...
          	They say it's nearly impossible to break into the coveted and secluded circle of the riches in Dakar but Malik overflows with determination as he's been knocked so far down that there's no other way but up for him."
          	Amazon link: https://www.amazon.fr/Diamond-Dynasty-English-Souade-NIANG-ebook/dp/B0C8NYHTTJ/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3OFDKWY6AL2N5&keywords=the+diamond+dynasty&qid=1688988879&sprefix=the+diamond+dynasty%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-2


@girkwhoreads3 Thank you sweetie pie !! ❤❤❤


@Kountibah Congratulations!!✨✨


@Angeliquewritess Thanks a lot my dear ❤️❤️❤️


Salut est ce que tu as supprimer ton histoire fille de bijoutier parce que je le cherche mais je trouve plus l'histoire 


Coucou ma belle comment ça va ? Oui en effet j’ai dû supprimer cette histoire parce que je l’ai transféré sur mon site. Cependant, je vais remettre en ligne quelques chapitres sur wattpad au cours de la semaine mais pas l’histoire complète. Si tu veux la lire, je t’invite à aller sur: www.souadeniang.com ;)


Bonjour j’espère que tu vas bien je voulais connaître la fréquence de publication de fille de bijoutier. 


@LipsGallaghervf Coucou ! Ca va et toi? Je n'ai pas vraiment eu le temps de me focaliser sur l'histoire cette semaine mais je compte publier au moins trois fois par semaine au minimum, à partir de Lundi prochain ;) 
            Désolée pour l'attente !


Bonjour je suis apprenti bijoutier au Gabon chez des sénégalais et j’apprécie déjà ton œuvre hâte d’en voir plus. 


@LipsGallaghervf sympa !! Bon courage à toi ❤️❤️❤️


La pépite d’or mais l’atelier est à l’arrière de la boutique c’est au gabon


@LipsGallaghervf  Coucou ! Merci beaucoup pour ton message, quel intéressant métier tu as ! Je te souhaite beaucoup de courage dans ce domaine et j'espère que tu continueras à apprécier l'histoire dans son évolution ;) Comment s'appelle l'atelier de bijouterie où tu travailles?


Hello lovely readers !
          It's with great pleasure that I announce to you the release of my first self-published book on Amazon: It's called Diamond Dynasty and I'm really excited to see how it'll perform ;) 
          If you want to support, feel free to check it out on Amazon. Here's the blurb: 
          "Dakar 1983...
          When Malik was offered to move to Dakar and work in his father's friend jewelry workshop, he took it as an opportunity to finally develop his craft and get his family out of the poverty loop they've been stuck in for generations.
          But moving to the capital city has taught him more than one thing about hardship and he knows his road to success won't be easy.
          Things only get worse when he falls in love with the daughter of his employer, a woman as beautiful as she is unattainable. Pursuing a relationship with her could break his career but Malik can't stand imagining her with another guy. Yet, the competition becomes rough when a much more successful and privileged guy sets his eyes on her.
          Will he manage to prove his worth to Ayesha and her father? The only way to achieve it is to take over the jewelry industry but that dream seems so far away when you're stuck at the bottom of the pit with so many obstacles on your way...
          They say it's nearly impossible to break into the coveted and secluded circle of the riches in Dakar but Malik overflows with determination as he's been knocked so far down that there's no other way but up for him."
          Amazon link: https://www.amazon.fr/Diamond-Dynasty-English-Souade-NIANG-ebook/dp/B0C8NYHTTJ/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3OFDKWY6AL2N5&keywords=the+diamond+dynasty&qid=1688988879&sprefix=the+diamond+dynasty%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-2


@girkwhoreads3 Thank you sweetie pie !! ❤❤❤


@Kountibah Congratulations!!✨✨


@Angeliquewritess Thanks a lot my dear ❤️❤️❤️


You're books are awesome and are addicted, nonetheless educating I have read almost all and are all the best though i like the Queen servant keep up the good work 


@CindyMike4 Hey dear ! Awww, that's so sweet. Thanks a lot for your comment and I'm glad you enjoyed my stories. Stay tuned for more ❤❤❤


Hey ✨✨
          You are a phenomenal writer!!
          I binge read The Queen's servant in two days.
          I loved the book❤️❤️


@girkwhoreads3 Hey sweetie ! Oh my God, thanks so much for leaving this message. It makes me so happy to know that you appreciate my writing. This is honestly the only reason why I write ❤️


I just started reading best served cold and it’s amazing! Me and my sister have been talking about it all night!


@mattelboo hey ! Oh my God, how lovely. Thank you for giving the book a chance and letting me know that you like it ❤️ i hope you and your sister will enjoy it till the end !!