
Happy New Year to all of you!!! 2017!!!


To you to!


Merry Christmas!!!!!  
          I've been to so many parties and completely bored. But hey, it's Christmas! I get presents anyways....
          I know that's not the true meaning of Christmas..... but it's presents. Be honest that's why you love Christmas.
          If you don't do Christmas, have a happy Sunday(or whatever day it is for you)!! Anyways, happy holidays(hopefully)!!


Yo' The group account is out! If you want to see it the name is @_thePheonixSouls_
          Please go check it out! (Even though theres nothing on it... yet)


Okay, so its been more than 2 months and I just realized that I spelt the group accounts name wrong. Nice going. It's @_thePhoenixSouls_
            Also, there is a story on it! Please go check it out!


Hey! I haven't been posting lately because school just started for me (if you can imagine) and I'm still trying to get used to things. I'll try to update a book at least today or tomorrow but I can't promise anything. Anyways cya all later!