And this the message from one of your members I think:
Hello! Its the Owner of
We are a a place for girls online to come together to uplift and inspire one another.
Our goal is
To make a difference in other girls' lives and be a positive influence.
Our club is directed at girls aged 10-21!
This club is for all girls from everywhere to relate, connect, and recover.
We have over 800 followers
And are growing each day!
Make sure to check out our main book (Strong girls club continued) with over 6k reads
for posts on how to handle these topics!
Low self esteem
Self harm
Anti suicide
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Losing friends
Eating disorders
Mental illness
Faith and spirituality
Toxic friendships, relationships, parents
And more!
Our second book is alot more light hearted,
Inside you'll find posts on,
Dreams and goals
Such as personality quizzes
Friendship quizzes
YouTube videos
Q&A's on the heavy stuff
Such as questions on faith, or handling anxiety
And q&A's on lighter topics are fine as well.
And much much more!
And we also have a girls guide with 4k+ reads!
Inside you'll find,
Cute outfit ideas
Beauty tips
Self care
Healthy lifestyle advice
Life hacks
Room decor ideas
Hairstyle ideas
Fun things to do
And much much more!
A book of short life tips titled living well
And a prayer book for prayer requests!
If you'd like to submit chapters for our books, send them to
They will be reviewed, and once approved we will post them giving you full credit!
Remember to leave your username so we can tag you!
If you ever need a friend, send us a pm we are here for you!
You have purpose on this earth and we want you to be alive!
Stay strong!
God bless!
And these three remain, faith, love, and hope,
But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
~ Brianna (Keep your head up high girly) :)