
the fact that bfdip is somehow the single most viewed thing i have created so far is honestly rather sad
          	it's genuinely not that good. quite bad, actually
          	i really hope i can come up with something that will top it in popularity soon
          	also no this is not me coming back to the platform, the idea to re-read some of it just randomly crossed my mind. the book is properly dogwater. please find something better to entertain your eyeballs.
          	- krimpy


the fact that bfdip is somehow the single most viewed thing i have created so far is honestly rather sad
          it's genuinely not that good. quite bad, actually
          i really hope i can come up with something that will top it in popularity soon
          also no this is not me coming back to the platform, the idea to re-read some of it just randomly crossed my mind. the book is properly dogwater. please find something better to entertain your eyeballs.
          - krimpy


I cannot even begin to fathom how I'm supposed to put into words the sheer glee that ran through me seeing 10k on BFDIP this morning. Actually insane. Goes without saying that I thank every single person who has read it, and hopefully it gave you at least a little bit of enjoyment. <3
          - Krimpy


this message may be offensive
It's June! Do you know what that means? Finals! Yay!!...
          Oh, and Pride Month too. I welcome back the gays with open arms, hopefully you guys enjoyed your time on Mars /j. Now, we can all celebrate the rainbow company logos together. I sure do love corporate pride month. 
          I finally got around to watching Amphibia and TOH just to see why so many people like those shows. For once, popular opinion did not disappoint. On an entirely unrelated note, fuck Disney. 
          Also, shameless self promo! If you're new around here, or have never seen it, maybe give Random Access Objects a watch!
          Other than that, this has been your not so informative monthly look into the inner workings of my single brain cell. Stay safe, drink some water, go touch some of that lovely not-yet-summer grass. Practice some self care! It's good for you. 
          - Krimpy


@-JellyTart- they cancelled toh cos it had homosexuals and stuff idk it was very petty for them to cancel it like that


Woah it's that time again that nobody cares about except me! Honestly at this point, I'm not even sure who I'm writing these things for. So, uh, if you do happen to read this, maybe leave a comment or something? 
          Anyways, May. A month not known for anything, really. At best, it gets a 6/10. That includes the Victoria Day long weekend we get. For non-commonweath readers, May gets a 4/10. Not great, but it is better than April. And yes, this month's entry/update won't be an update at all. Enjoy my rant on my opinion on months. (In the writing business, we call this foreshadowing).
          Drink plenty of water, get some fresh air, maybe touch some grass or hug a tree while you're at it. Spend some time today appreciating the little things in life that make it just ever so better. 
          - Krimpy
          P.S. Thanks for 8k reads on BFDIP!


Oh no I missed March but honestly who cares at this point. 
          There really isn't much to say about this past month. Progress on the megaproject I announced last time is going about 15% of the time. I can't say with any certainty when it will come out. Don't expect it anytime soon, though. 
          In the meantime, happy asexual awareness day to all my ace buddies out there. To everyone who's taken the time out of their day to read this, I wish you a good day. Remember to take care of yourselves, take care of those close to you, and maybe go touch some grass. The weather is finally clearing up; take some time to enjoy it.
          - Krimpy


@Krimpybob hey krimpy, all the best to ya


Will I be continuing my monthly updates thing? Dunno, but here's the February 2022 one.
          Now I know I said last month that this account would be abandoned, which it very much will be, but there is one final thing I will be publishing before my complete abandonment. Something big, ambitious, and probably won't be finished in several months. I'm fairly confident that nothing like this has ever been done in the OSC yet. (If you want a hint, check my post from March 2021)
          Also, there's this pretty cool new server created by @Vranson for all of you OSC writing/reading enthusiasts! Check it out if you're interested:


Here's my obligatory monthly update post or something.
          So uh, if you couldn't tell, this account has been somewhat abandoned. The last time I wrote something was in August of last year. And I doubt I will be returning anytime in the future, if at all. If you requested something on KOSS, I apologize for not delivering on my promise. Wattpad is no longer a priority of any kind to me and I have moved on from this chapter. 
          I wish everyone a good day, good luck, and I guess this is goodbye. See you on the other side.


Ah, that's a shame. Good luck with whatever you do next, especially RAO! 