PSA i made a new account! just wanted a fresh start and also tied my actual name to the new account! i have an individual rp book going and i'm working on a new group roleplay!
PSA i made a new account! just wanted a fresh start and also tied my actual name to the new account! i have an individual rp book going and i'm working on a new group roleplay!
being a semi-literate/literate roleplayer on wattpad means you read all your books in dark mode and have a 4 letter name on your profile...
...and i'm 100% guilty
so for the group rp i'm working on (macbeth), all i know is that it's going to essentially be similar to a boarding school rp??? essentially it's like a dystopian thing, where government resistance people being chucked into this boarding school to instill "social norms" on them like really creepy nationalism, and one global religion and what not (think Fahrenheit 451 meets 1984 meets Macbeth meets ahs coven)
but i'm trying to figure out a way to do scenarios without necessarily needing people to play staff members or teachers since i know that most people wouldn't really want to??
any ideas on how to do this? ))):
PSA That if we had a RP going on in my book “Warm Lights”— I’ve just discovered that it’s vanished completely, like into thin air. I’m not sure if it was a mistake, or if Wattpad removed the story completely, but I have no backup of those Character Bios. If you’re truly interested in continuing an RP, please message me privately. However, I don’t know when I’ll put another book up, if at all.
Me too?! My roleplay book “Sakura Kiss” just.... vanished!
I’m really upset cause I, too, didn’t save the character bios anywhere else (and I really liked them all T-T)
Wattpad may be doing a roleplay book purge?? Idk...