Recently, I've been feeling incredibly anxious, and I'd really struggled to do things that make me feel like myself, let alone take care of myself.
This afternoon, I decided to do something drastic to fix that (I'd already been using breathing exercises and trying to take my mind of everything routinely). So, completely on a whim, I chose to go for a run. I did a lot if running as a child, but I haven't run for years. It was difficult. I did about 5 minutes of actual running, had to walk home, and was out of breath the entire time. However, for the first time in months, my head feels clear, I feel good and, despite the fact that it's late, I'm currently not hyperventilating and thinking I'm about to die.
Also, I saw a baby moorhen (type of bird common in British ponds)
To conclude, if you're struggling, please try to get out into nature and get some fresh air and some exercise. I have previously scoffed when all of these people on television go on about endorphins, thinking, "what are you on, lad? I'm miserable when I exercise," but today has changed all of that for me, and I really hope posting this story here allows it to help someone else, too.
Have a great day or night, whoever is reading this.