Omg! I'm missing out on wattpad. Adjusting to the new job shift. But will post a story soon :-)

@KrisTopherAllen hi i am from California ,i love Kingston Jamaica with family on vacation ,if you would like follow me on my profile ,check my books out if you have time, you have some good books ,Keep up the good work, my profile link is my name maisson abdallah @dandylion18,i love writing novels ,to become published author ,i started from harliquin books agency back in 2013 year, i did so well, with so many books written and published on wattpad.com ,hey are you apart of the wattys contest to become a published author of a real professional agent ,voted by editorials, if not why not sign up, I am trying to,farewell to you ,enjoy the island .!take your time on your job shift ,