
stop leaving rr spoilers on my books i’ve been adamant about this for too long. you’re ruining it for ftr. especially a chapter that hasnt even been up for 24 hours.


@taintedkissesxo  I'm sorry.  I tried not to word it like a spoiler, but it didn't work. I'll never do it again. Sorry again, ash.


          I hope you will take into consideration my request for your review of my eBook 'Gita and Her War with the Aliens.' It is a fantasy novel, fitting in action, adventure and sci-fi genres encompassing an Emperor, king, queen, different planets etc., It's a thriller with mysteries and twists. It has unique ideas and set as a story in the 9th Century CE. 
          It would really mean a lot to me if you could click the link below and check it out.
          If it's of interest to you and could be accommodated amidst your various other priorities, please inform me before you take up my book for reading. There are a few things I would like to convey, besides what I have mentioned above, so that you would be prepared for what to expect from my book. 
          Apologies if this has caused any inconvenience.
          Best wishes
          Vijay M R