
Hey guys, if you loved reading Chitralekha's story then I am sure you will love Tarini's story as well. A dear friend of mine has recently published a story titled "Tarini: the eternal duty". 
          	She reached out to me regarding my story and inquired about whether I will update or not. Truth by told, I am unsure. Hence, we talked out a few details and she decided to write her own story. 
          	Her story also includes the concept of time travel and it already had a couple chapters published. 
          	Do check it out!
          	It's 'Tarini: the enternal duty' by Meerubies


Hey guys, if you loved reading Chitralekha's story then I am sure you will love Tarini's story as well. A dear friend of mine has recently published a story titled "Tarini: the eternal duty". 
          She reached out to me regarding my story and inquired about whether I will update or not. Truth by told, I am unsure. Hence, we talked out a few details and she decided to write her own story. 
          Her story also includes the concept of time travel and it already had a couple chapters published. 
          Do check it out!
          It's 'Tarini: the enternal duty' by Meerubies


I thank everyone for waiting so patiently for my next update. Good news are in order for those of you who have been waiting. Chitralekha's journey will soon resume where it left off. Meaning, the next chapter will be up by this Saturday at latest. I will try my best to upload one before that but I make no promises. As I said, Saturday by the latest. Again, thank you so much for waiting. This journey will resume where it left off.


@Krishna_Vasu Hope you are well. Waiting for this story to continue.


@Krishna_Vasu Eagerly waiting!!!!!


Chapter 23 of Chitralekha is now up!! I know I said before the end of previous week but the explanation is provided in the chapter. I hope you enjoy it. I live in the US so the next chapter should be by either the end of today or by tomorrow. My finals are coming up so I have to study as well but I am trying my best to get back on track. Please let me know how you liked the chapter and leave your honest feedback! I always love reading it!!


@Krishna_Vasu Good luck on your exam. I really really liked the chapter.


Hello, beautiful people!!
          I recently uploaded a message on my message board but I'm not sure whether it was posted properly so I am going to rewrite the message. 
          I hope all of you are doing well. I know times have been hard and I have not been updating my book. Recently I have been receiving many messaged regarding when I will update next. 
          Due to Covid and college, I barely had time to write a sentence a day. But I somehow managed to mostly write up to 3 chapters. I will properly look over those chapters and upload them before this week is over. 
          Please stay with me! I will not abandon the book and the journey will continue.
          Thank you so much for being there for me and for being patient with me!
          Be on a lookout for the updates!!


@Krishna_Vasu Will be patiently waiting for it author dear!!!!!
            Take care and stay safe!!!!!