Right now I'm trying to write the 9th chapter of my book before my birthday because... damn this and the next week are the most busiest weeks I ever had.
My best friend likes to remind me that I need to write chapters at least once a week she just randomly writes to me "when will be the next chapter?" And I'm just like "yeah, I don't know?"
I finished 7. Party chapter while I was on the bus driving to the mall because my bestie was by my side, like "Come on, write. I want to know what happens next"
My motivation appears and disappears like 20 times a day. I wite two sentences and them...bamm...I dont know what to write anymore.
I have started another book in drafts, because I had an idea in the shower, so that's fun.
I hope I can write a chapter in 3 day.
I like to say my thoughts here, it's like a diary of some kind