@Jessiesman1 don't ever blame yourself for that. My best friend passed away two years ago when we were thirteen. I'm still dealing with the repercussions. I have many regrets. I feel like I could have been a much better friend. Just before he passed away, we had gotten in a fight, I said some things I deeply regret, and I can never take them back. For a long time I felt like it was my fault, like I could have saved him. But It wasnt. And I couldn't. No one could have prepared me for the phone call I got that night. Saying that my bestfriend wasn't going to be showing up at school Monday or any other day for that matter. Death is not something you can easily prepare for. Sometimes it hits you right out in the blue. And it hurts. It hurts so bad. But it's made me into the person I am today. Which is why, no matter how mad a friend is at me, or me them, I let it go, because in a blink of an eye they might not be here. And so i treasure every moment. As should you. There was nothing you could do. The world is not some magical plan created by the invisible man in the sky. Life throws unwanted circumstances at people everyday. People who didnt ask for a life of misery. But are stuck with it anyway. As some kind of cruel punishment, when there is no crime committed.