

Personal thought opinion. I prefer and simp ship Momonosuke and Yamato ship, Yamamo or Momato ship. But I got a whole internet posting against me just for that. Why? Yamato should be with Momo. Also, she just cosplaying roleplaying as Oden, not mean she's their father! Just inheriting his will. Spoiler alert. He's now 28. And I ship him with Yamato and I don't care what you One Piece fans people says think otherwise Lol Also both had many notable parallels similarities, also Yamato don't actually act behave exactly to her own age either, technically mentally both are child-like in adult forms, their moments and behaviours in there are so funny warm Lol There are really notable parallels similarities between each other, between them and they're really much more fitting. I hate Tama ship. They're not of a same gen at all. I mean, I have already write about my reasons points here if you want to know and understand about this. I will not it more here because it's too much long. Sorry for offend rude. I'm easily angered triggered. Why Can't I have a right to ship them Huh?


Sorry to say this or breaking your heart dream but I don't ship Ace and Yamato. I hate it. It's obviously clearly stated that they're just friends. They're just befriended and nothing more. She viewed him as just one of her few friends she ever had in life of trapping and isolation. I ship and prefer Momonosuke and Yamato ship, they had more interesting notable parallels similarities and contrasts differences between them each other and it's much more fitting so well. I don't think she viewed Ace as boyfriend, just friend zone only. And she's an extreme Hero-Worshipper Cosplay Otaku Girl so she just extremely roleplaying cosplaying as Oden not literally that she's Momo's dad. Also after she see Momo's adult face and appearance look exactly just similar like his father Oden, i don't think it has nothing happens, it might sparking something between them. She likes loves admires idolizes worships and respects cosplays roleplays as Kozuki Oden, not Gol D Roger..... And One Piece fans people say to me I'm pervert. Say like they're so good perfect sinless pure and not perverted. Why? Can't I shared my own opinions in long essay light novel comments? Because those like them never truly read all what i say that's why none of them understand me. When people ship Ace who already dead with Yamato it's treated as if it's canon when in reality they're just friends and it's their own fan headcanon thought feeling that the anime team exploiting this by creating more adaptational animations to playing toying with One Piece fans emotions feelings. They still can share their opinion preference. So why can't I shared my own? When I say it I ship and prefer Momonosuke and Yamato it was treated as if I'm outcast when in reality those guys are not so different from me.


I love this ship as much as our Damirae ship. I hate all the people who hate and still hate dislike Momonosuke just for a f-king stupid crazy petty small little subject matter ever. And literally overlooking his character development growth and ignore the very fact that he's one of the Most Important Characters of the story series! Myself a Damirae fan shipper, I can confirm that this character Momo, he got a very same similar treatment from the biased closed minded hypocritical fans just like Damian Wayne Robin Batman Bruce Wayne's son. Now I can literally say fully with my mouth that this is the Most Underrated Character Development ever, such a great growth of character but stupid crazy Biased hateful Otaku Fanboys themselves still overlooks him/it. What a Perfect Hypocrisy with this Fiction Fandom community.


Dark Crisis.... Again? You guys just done with Perpetua who is truly a real true mastermind behind all every Crisis/Crises/Crisises events. And then say another thing here by bring back Great Darkness/Great Evil Beast Empty Hand old characters the *very same similar threat level as the pure evil creator Super Celestial Hand Perpetua Creator of the DC Universe/Multiverse* to the story... *With an exactly same similar identical pattern style as Perpetua's that was ruined before.... Great.*


DC should be taking time between events, fleshing out the new status quo from the last event, and making readers care about the situations the heroes find them in before throwing them back into chaos. The upcoming death of the Justice League members is the perfect opportunity for this. It could force DC to spotlight underserved characters, building them up to throw them into a conflict they've never encountered. But instead, by setting up the multiversal war that will change everything again, they've undercut the tension they could have escalated naturally through build-up and story. It's disappointing and makes the Great Darkness feel more like an afterthought. Seriously, I am tired sick of this. That's why I prefer Perpetua, not these story retcon...


Perpetua, the most feared vilest Super Celestial/the Hand of Creation entity out of all in the Greater Omniverse/Overvoid who want to conquer all infinite Multiverses throughout the Void/Overvoid/Omniverse entirely, was defeated, and explained everything who behind all every Crisis/Crises/Crisises events that influenced the DC Multiverse. Add bring back old characters Great Darkness/Great Evil Beast Empty Hand with same threat level back to the story to fulfill its role and explain another so contrast.... Lol i mean. It's quietly a very tiring revelation, effectively retracing steps already taken in recent stories. It's especially frustrating, considering the revelations about (and eventual defeat of) Perpetua was just over a year ago at the time of this writing. The entire multiverse was at risk, characters were pushed to their absolute limits and barely survived and after defeat the True Ultimate Evil Creator-Maker God-Goddess Mastermind who behind everything and all of the characters should get their rest and happy endings eventually -- just only now for a "very same similar identical kind of meta-threat" to rise up right after it by using the Great Darkness/Great Evil Beast Empty Hand as excuses and dark force influence behind everything instead of Perpetua. DC has made a habit of embracing massive universe-spanning retcon-filled events lately. But it's getting tiring, as there's no time to focus on the characters caught in these conflicts before they're thrown back into the deep end. This reduces the personal stakes inherent to the characters and just keeps ratching up the scope without forcing audiences to feel genuinely concerned by the threats at hand.
            The constant escalation of "multiverse level threats" without instead focusing on the heroes leads to diminishing returns -- with pretty much all the massive stakes of the war for the Great Darkness already having been reached recently.


I just hear about the rumor that DC gonna make the animated trilogy of COIE. I think they gonna do it as according to original script as patterns. I have waiting these for long time. Animated Crisis Events that explain expand everything there. If it's really happen, that mean they gonna really makes a real perfect good happy ending for the whole DC Universe/Multiverse Franchise series both in original comics and animations animated series adaptations by ultimately defeating the "One Who Pull All the Strings Behind All Every Crisis Events and possibly Everything Wrong there". No more Crisis/Crises/Crisises Rebirth/Reboot/Retconning that unnaturally forcibly corrupted their whole realities lives ever again. It's the chain of events, the first one COIE, to Zero Hour/Crisis in Time, Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, Dark Nights Metal and all other crisis events ever, that would lead to the last Crisis to free the whole DC Universe/Multiverse from the True Ultimate Pure Evil Creator Goddess of the DC Universe/Multiverse itself, Perpetua. She's the true most feared vilest powerful unstoppable supervillain cosmic entity and technically First Big Bad Villain and all her actions/deeds left endless ramifications for the Multiverse, resulting in all evils and sufferings inflicted upon all beings throughout within DC Multiverse. Behind all the Big Bads villains. As i says, she and her role is the most perfect fitting for the True Bigger Bad Greater-Scope Villain who behind everything. And after defeating her, the Omniverse is opened reborn, free from her evil dark corrupting influence and domination, and everyone including our DamiRae ship lives together happily ever in harmony. That's my speculation and personal like opinion. But they should adapt Perpetua's fate too. Make it like that of Chuck/God in Supernatural. The one in original comics I want to forget the most. And reduce that Laughing things role too, his arc should already be ended since Dark Nights Metal. Lololol .


I mean, "without her, all these things would not even ever happen at all." "She is the real deal reason cause of it all, and must pay for all of these, not just by simply death." She's just like "Emperor Palpatine Darth Sidious" to me. Far more worse eviler crueler than even Darkseid/Uxas and Trigon/Skath themselves. True Pure Evil with No Standards. "Using all any means methods to get gain what he/she/they wants," with absolutely "no care" of everyone. "Palpatine for instance using any method to get what he wants." That's my speculation and personal like opinion.


She's the True Most Feared Vilest Powerful Unstoppable Supervillain Cosmic Entity and technically First Big Bad Villain and all her actions/deeds left endless ramifications for the Multiverse, "resulting in all evils and sufferings as well as untold casualties and destructions deaths losses and tragedies inflicted upon all beings throughout within DC Multiverse. Connect with and Behind all the Evils, evil Big Bads villains. She's the "Metafiction Role Character" too, the "literal Representation of all the Authors who were responsible for all every Crisis/Crises/Crisises events and possibly almost everything bad wrong throughout the whole DC Universe/Multiverse cosmos comic franchise series" after all, "just like Chuck/God of Supernatural series, the writer is the one who behind everything itself in the first place." As i says, she and her role is the most perfect fitting for the "True Bigger Bad Greater-Scope Villain Mastermind Master Manipulator/Mastermind/Ultimate Deceiver/Liar Corrupter Corrupting Influence" who behind everything. And after defeating her, the Omniverse is opened reborn, free from her evil dark corrupting influence and domination, and everyone including our DamiRae ship lives together happily ever in harmony once and for all. I don't like and care the Empty Hand and Great Darkness/Great Evil Beast much, it's just a same threat pattern as Perpetua. "Invade and conquer/dominate and absorb/consume/destroy end all the never-ending unending stories of superheroes."? A same similar identical pattern way Perpetua and also BWL The Darkest Knight wants to do. Claims all other infinite Multiverses/Realities and everything for herself/themselves. She once says that she's the Alpha and the Omega, "I am the Beginning and I am the End." Ending everything and start new ones anew endlessly for herself. It's much more better fitting role of Pure Evil Entity. I prefer her.


I'm about to writing my personal opinion about how the new next DC animated movies series universes/multiverse timeline should be, and about how Perpetua would be so fitting suiting the role of the true ultimate Mastermind behind everything wrong there. Long long long writing again. To be continued.