Hi All,
It's been a long time since I've been on here, and I apologize for that. I've juggled with wanting to post something on here for a long time, but I felt like I couldn't until I had something to show you guys. I still don't have anything to show you guys... for now. But I've been dipping my toes back into the writing community and wanted to address all my followers.
First, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting Erivale all this time. I still get notifications of your support, and while I wasn't in the headspace to be active and writing, it still made my day and continued to grow the desire to get back up and write.
Second, in the time that I've been gone, Wattpad has changed a lot. The forums disappeared? That was a confusing google search. But as I searched for ways to involve myself further in the writing community without the forums, I stumbled across NaNoWriMo, which might sound odd to some of you. But this is the first time I've truly learned what it is and have decided to participate. It has absolutely lit a fire of writing inspiration on the second novel I have been trying to work on for so long now, and I'm feeling really excited by it!
All of that to say that I'm sorry I went radio silent and that I missed all of you and the writing community. If you would like to connect as buddies for NaNo or something? Tbh I don't know what a buddy is. I'm such a NaNo newbie. I also made a writing twitter where I could talk about my writing progress and rant into the internet void. The twitter is linked on my profile as my "website."