
Hello dear followers I know I have been absent for so long but I have not been able to write for the longest and I am slowly getting back into it. I just posted a part of one story I am trying to write to get my mojo back but enjoy your day and xoxoxoxo


Hello dear followers I know I have been absent for so long but I have not been able to write for the longest and I am slowly getting back into it. I just posted a part of one story I am trying to write to get my mojo back but enjoy your day and xoxoxoxo


Hello and good afternoon-slash-day to all of my followers! I just want to say thank you first of all to everyone of you following me and I'm like super sorry to you guys and gals for not updating. I've been without a laptop or inspiration for a heck of a long time and I finally got a tablet to start doing some writing! It's just been a lot this past year omg and I've been struggling with depression and I am slowly dealing with it better! I will be getting into short story writing soon maybe this month (Happy Day after Halloween btw ) and I just want to wish you all good blessings.
          And if anyone wants a story updated please let me know. I've been doing a WAY better outline for Through The Eyes and will be doing a major change for it I hope that once I start getting all my notes and characters together that you guys will love it!!! 


So, last night I just broke up with my boyfriend, after just three months.. I haven't had a real relationship before and I have to be honest, this sh*t hurts. It was so hard for me to open up to anyone and even though it was a long distance relationship I liked him so much.. I barely slept last night.. I don't know what to do.. does anyone have ways to just help with a breakup?