
I am so sorry for not updating but my life has been...... busy. I don't know if anyone is actually reading my stories but I have fun writing them. I may write more soon so look out for a new chapter in the next week.


I decided to rather than make this difficult for me that I will make all my stories stand alone and that it will be called the winter series.
          Other than that I will put all the books on Hiatus to start the original novel. This will be the one to explain everything that will happen.


 I think I will call the books the Axe series and it won’t make sense until book five but I don’t know what to call it. The titles are iffy right now for books three and five.
          BOOK 1: Her Secret
          BOOK 2: Her Marbles
          BOOK 3: Her Memories/ Queen
          BOOK 4: Her Dragon
          BOOK 5: Her Legacy/ 
          Extra: Characters throughout the series( I will reuse characters so that the stories connect)
          That is the order and you can guess what the books may be but you will never know for sure. 
          Book three is a book I wrote buy hand a long time a go and makes me cringe so bad so I will change a lot and polish it to be book three. Just so you have an estimate of how old it is, I always carried it around with me in middle school to write and prevent others from reading it.
          If there are a lot of grammatical errors in any of my works or it is crappy just remember my computer is practically busted and I’m usually half asleep when I have time to write. 


Sorry I haven’t updated if you read my books. I have the beginning and end of a five book series but the middle part of each book is a blank to me. Right now I have summer school and they give me a lot of work but I will update soon. Her marbles is book two and her secret is book one so I will put her marbles on indefinite hiatus until her secret is done.


Hey, buddy! 
          If you're a mere acquaintance, or a friend... it doesn't matter. I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing and really really talented. I wish I could be more like you. You are amazing and I just wanted to remind you that. I hope we talk more often and you share your worries with me, so I can help in solving them for you. Just remember, whenever you feel let down and wanna give up, I am there to back you up.  I am there when you feel lonely, so just drop in a message if you need someone to talk to.
          Have an amazing day! 