
@Patricks_taco oh good. I love reading this story. It is my absolute favorite!! Your plot develops very well. There aren't any boring parts that make me want to skip the paragraph or chapter. It's utterly brilliant. This is really enjoyable and I find myself wanting to reread it over and over which I have. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to write is. For me, writing, singing, and being a student director is a really big stress reliever. Writing the most though because all I have to do is change character names and I can get all my feelings out. I hope you aren't going through anything upsetting and if so I'm always here. Thanks again. ~Krystlexoxo~ 


@Patricks_taco oh good. I love reading this story. It is my absolute favorite!! Your plot develops very well. There aren't any boring parts that make me want to skip the paragraph or chapter. It's utterly brilliant. This is really enjoyable and I find myself wanting to reread it over and over which I have. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to write is. For me, writing, singing, and being a student director is a really big stress reliever. Writing the most though because all I have to do is change character names and I can get all my feelings out. I hope you aren't going through anything upsetting and if so I'm always here. Thanks again. ~Krystlexoxo~ 


Hey sorry about chapter 18. I published it and it was blank so I'm like "what?" and i realized it erased automatically.I remembered everything i wrote (not exact but i remembered the plot) and i only had time to repair half of the chapter for what 18 is now because i played a show. So chapter 19 will be the other half of what 18 was originally. Thank you <3 ~BelleXo