
Me, sweating slightly: it- it's been.. three months since the last time I posted... I mean, I'm not dead and this story is still going on (don't worry!) but like.. er give me another week? Ehe now to go find the doc I was writing it on..


@ KtM_hmid3422  hi  


Me, sweating slightly: it- it's been.. three months since the last time I posted... I mean, I'm not dead and this story is still going on (don't worry!) but like.. er give me another week? Ehe now to go find the doc I was writing it on..


@ KtM_hmid3422  hi  


Okay, to be completely honest, I knew where the story was supposed to go, but I haven't been writing it. Well I have, but I've been writing it backwards? So rn, I have chapter 28 written, but I don't have 26 or 27. (It's like I'm purposefully making this harder for myself.) ;-;;
          Well, I hope y'all enjoy chapter 25!


Okay, so as I was writing it,  thought chapter 23 was good, but now that I read over it i have no idea what happened. :/ 
          I want to promise it gets better but like eh idk. It definitely gets a little more interesting though.


@KtM_hmid3422 the story is so good! Super invested, can’t wait for the rest!