Hallo, let's read my story if you like don't forget to vomment, thanks

Thanks for the votes


Hi thanks for the follow, votes and comments. Look forward to catching up with some of your stuff.

Your bio is so poetic, nice to meet you; a great start to 2017!

@Kteacup I completely agree with the first paragraph, but my point is since favouring the rare thing is not favourable for me until I complete some goals, I prefer morbidity as it is helping me. It is like my brain has my own adjectives according to situations, but in order to achieve neutrality, which is one of my ultimate goals, I need to adjust the neutral barrier until my goals are achieved. Like for me, my brain will assign adjectives and descriptions only according to time, space and reason. If happiness is rare and say gold are, right now I'm in a forest and in a situation where I don't need gold more than I need wood, stones and other oddities right now. I understand why you are completely right (under the rules of uncertainty principle) that is because your space, time and reason are on a relative and different base, mine is reasoned out as per my time, space and base. I don't deny the quality of happiness, that would be unreasoned and troublesome for me. But I hope you would understand, my control is my strength. Dreams right. I will PM you about it, I feel I'm disclosing too much. Good morning, love.

@Ierewifi They are like the idea of "bright" and "dim", "dark" and "light". Never could there be one without the other, but as I mentioned, the rare ones are always most valuable, isnt it? Well, for the most part. You may support one better, but you cant deny the qualities of the other. The dream caught nothing, unfortunately. If only it is also a "dream sucker"; Like, it brings dreams to you.

@Kteacup Ideal imagination (ideal is unreasoned as it is relative) for me would be where neutrality is a reason. Reason must not be conflicted with unsupported preposition, as that conflicts the idea of a reason, and we reach the paradox of the language. Melancholy is never gone, happiness is a weight as balanced against sadness. Would you know that you can't fly if no other being would fly? Then it would be an idea, not discovery. Happiness is an idea weighed on melancholy, just like melancholy is. So they must be treated fairly. I support melancholy, as it interests me in the better. I meant staying through, but stay true, as that is truer and more thourough. I wonder what the dream catcher would catch for you, it is a wonder for sure. I am honoured to have met you. ((: Pm me next time, because I'm troubling your message board, I guess. <3

Welcome to wattpad :)

@LittleMissDisgrace Oh! first time ever posting on this... wall? Thank you! Really just, getting the hang of it all.