@JagannathPranaa just because I'm commenting on a draukarn book doesn't make me a draukarn fan.
I'm commenting because I'm a karna fan and I'm liking someone's writing style and how interesting they are making their story plot wise. I'm not reading their story thinking that this is real Mahabharata or this has happened in Mahabharata. I know real Mahabharata.
I know the stories are not real and that they are separate from the real Mahabharata. I'm reading these stories because they are engaging, entertaining, have superb plots. I'm commenting on them because their writers are awesome who takes out some of their precious time from their busy schedules to write those marvellous pieces just for us. So, can't we even comment on their stories to motivate them.
No, one is that much of an idiot who will take ffs as real Mahabharata. These stories are just people's imagination and everyone has right on his or her imagination.
People comes on wattpad to be stress free or to read stories which entertains us. Don't take these to seriously.