
Hello, this is Kuromi speaking.
          	For starters, I apologise for discontinuing my Servamp fanfic “Behind a Cat’s Smile” for almost 2-3 years. I had lost motivation and had also been mentally and emotionally struggling through some things, so I gave up continuing this fanfic to recover. While I’m slowly getting better, it’s also still not easy for me, so I have to keep it easy for my well-being.
          	However, just reading my fanfic again after for so long, I’ve been thinking of rewriting it. This was so old and I was still new to Servamp back then, so now I can probably try to update some parts of the fanfic. But still, this is just a thought and I’ll still think about it before I finally decide to actually rewrite it...
          	That’s it for now, so thank you for reading and understanding this... ^^
          	Sincerely from,


Hello, this is Kuromi speaking.
          For starters, I apologise for discontinuing my Servamp fanfic “Behind a Cat’s Smile” for almost 2-3 years. I had lost motivation and had also been mentally and emotionally struggling through some things, so I gave up continuing this fanfic to recover. While I’m slowly getting better, it’s also still not easy for me, so I have to keep it easy for my well-being.
          However, just reading my fanfic again after for so long, I’ve been thinking of rewriting it. This was so old and I was still new to Servamp back then, so now I can probably try to update some parts of the fanfic. But still, this is just a thought and I’ll still think about it before I finally decide to actually rewrite it...
          That’s it for now, so thank you for reading and understanding this... ^^
          Sincerely from,


Hello, this is Kuromi speaking!
          To my [Servamp OC Fanfic “Behind a Cat’s Smile”] Readers,
          I’m really sorry for neglecting my fanfic as I have been in so much stress lately and seeing the new recent chapters of Servamp has gotten me extremely more confused and now I don’t know what to write anymore.
          I don’t know what else to write in this fanfic without messing up the main story and it’s canon characters, so I’m really sorry... I won’t be able to continue writing anymore, but I still also want to continue my drawings while taking a break from writing.
          I really am sorry, especially to those who have been waiting for the new chapters and new readers who had saved my fanfic...
          I hope you all understand... Thank you for taking your time to read this, and I’m sorry again...
          Sincerely from,


Hiya! I’m back~


Ahhh, I see... Well, welcome back. Tbh, I haven't been on Amino for some time now...


Not back in Amino, that’s not happening, but back in general.