It took some doing, but I'm finally getting things back to normal. For the most part, "normal" means writing again. I can't even say how much I've missed it. There's still going to be a slight delay as I promised some time ago that the next thing I'd write would be the next chapter of a fanfic that has gone neglected for entirely too long. (I'm still wrestling with the idea of posting that story here.) From there, I'll be getting back to Evening Star and working on the next draft of Serenity Somewhere. As always, I'll be forever grateful for any opinions as they'll be invaluable in shaping my writing going forward. It doesn't usually feel this good to say something like this, but it's time to get back into the trenches.
@FeszFox I've been thinking about that for some time. I'm far from being ready to go back and edit, but I don't know how well it would do if I copied and pasted it as is. Most of those chapters have extremely long paragraphs that would be hard to read on Wattpad. Still, that being said, I would certainly like to have it here.