Heyy I love your story I’m in like the 7 chapter.. I just thought the maybe the chapters were a little short from what I usually see from other books. And also from my own opinion. I also like the built anticipation of a story.. I think it just feels like everything is happening too fast in the story and to me it kinda takes off a little bit of excitement and tension in the story.. Hey it’s just my personal opinion.. I’m not a writer but I know what I like to see in a story.. And also not everyone likes or thinks like I do. I don’t mean to offend you or anything I swear!! I just thought that it my be helpful for future projects and also since you said that we could have suggestions or whatever. But love the story I promise....

@Jissmar hi dear. Thanks a lot for reading and liking 'Dark Secret'. Thanks also for the opinion that you have shared. I'll try my best to improve in projecting the plots. Recently I have no idea how long the chapters will last and how the endings gonna be cause I do not have any pre planned plot instead it's random.