
Well I updated ‘Our Hero Academia’ now I’m gonna go devise a proper update schedule lmao


Are you dead? Miss you <3333333


            I recently had covid and it wasn't that bad other than a fever, so I don't think much happened. She said she goes to this school that makes her study her ass off and she's taken breaks that last for months before so I'm not too worried. Still miss her tho ;-;


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Damn so this may very well be one of the longest break I’ve ever taken.
          I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for being patient with me during, not only this break, but all of my countless breaks from Wattpad. 
          Over the period of these two months I’ve been under a lot of stress from school. Even now that my school is closed I feel like I’m under constant pressure. Me being in an IB league school and in top set classes means that I have to constantly be on top of my work and studies. Any slip ups could look bad on my record. 
          Moving away from the topic of school, my mental health has not been the best lately. From studying and monitoring my mental health and it’s patterns I’ve realized that over an extended period of time(around a year) I have been showing symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I’ve been having a lot of emotional switches recently, leading to me having arguments/fights with my family(mostly my mother... yikes) and friends as well as random highs and lows in my mood, so this has also contributed to my stress. 
          Anyway, who cares about that crap?! GUESS WHO’S BACK?! Heh
          Yeah so ignoring that sappy shit about why I’ve been gone, I’m back. I might not be as active on here as I used to be but I’ll definitely be working on those chapters I promised as well as an update schedule. If I have a schedule I may be able to meet the deadlines lmao
          So yeah thank you once again for being so understanding and patient! I couldn’t be more grateful!
          P.S: Before someone asks, yes I am currently doing better mentally. Also give me a bit(a couple of hours I guess) before I start replying to and private messages and stuff.


@KunoichiOtaku I have no words but welcome back :D


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          This is awkward! Uh well I’m still alive... yay... hah halp
          Well I’m still here, vibing, but let school has murdered me. Quarantine got me fucked up, no cap. Like I love isolation cuz I ain’t a social person but the school work is overwhelming. I’m so damn tired right now.
          On a side note, I’m kinda concerned about this whole Corona thing. If I catch it I’ll probably kick the bucket real fast lmao. I’ve got asthma, heart... idek, and other crap that makes my immune system weak. I’m not too concerned about my health though, but I just don’t wanna be the reason someone else gets sick. 
          Anyway, like I said, I still exist. I’m currently working on the book. I’ve got like five chapters complete and ready to publish but I’ll tryna knock out this entire arc so I need like one or two more lol. 
          I’ll reply to messages and stuff whenever I have the time. Sorry! Cya! Heh


@KunoichiOtaku OMG hope you stay healthy❤you will make it through Corona


Hello! I figured you were alive considering you usually take breaks every now and again, plus Corona's got us all busy, but I was just thinking about you the other day XD. I'm glad to hear that you're (kinda) back, and be sure to stay safe from the virus!


@KunoichiOtaku hope corona doesn’t get to you :)