
Hey guys.
          	I will be going on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time. This does NOT mean my story is discontinued. I have recently started college and have been cery busy, and I also have the pressure of drawing illustrations, content creation and the gym, so I don't have much time allocated to writing. 
          	I will come back with more chapters, albeit it might just start at the end of this year again, as I can't say an accurate time of when I have time for writing.


@Dokkkku Also I'm glad you wrote the confession of love between Lucas and Kurumi. Thank you.


@Dokkkku Thank you Dokku, I look forward for the final chapters of your fanfic when the end of this year starts.


@Dokkkku I understand you and take a break because you made a brilliant story and we can wait


Hey KunshuLucas this is Lars even though I'm saddened that you discontinued this story I understand. Regardless if you believe this story  that you made was cringy I truly believed your fanfic was the best date a live story  you have written in spite of this.
          But still like I said several months ago I will write a date a live story that is inspired from yours but will be better in the future, one that will be great.
          Thank you for writing this story. Take care and best of luck to you.


Hey Dokku this is Lars it's been a while, if you're reading this all I want to say is Happy New Year!
          I know you would say you'll return writing new chapters of Date a Mysterious Being with the possibility of doing it at the end of this year despite not knowing when you will have the accurate time for writing. 
          But still I will always say this I look forward seeing you update this story as this is the best date a live fanfic I've read.
          Happy New Year and I wish you the best! 


Hey guys.
          I will be going on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time. This does NOT mean my story is discontinued. I have recently started college and have been cery busy, and I also have the pressure of drawing illustrations, content creation and the gym, so I don't have much time allocated to writing. 
          I will come back with more chapters, albeit it might just start at the end of this year again, as I can't say an accurate time of when I have time for writing.


@Dokkkku Also I'm glad you wrote the confession of love between Lucas and Kurumi. Thank you.


@Dokkkku Thank you Dokku, I look forward for the final chapters of your fanfic when the end of this year starts.


@Dokkkku I understand you and take a break because you made a brilliant story and we can wait


Hi Dokku this is Lars I was wondering if you're updating your newest chapter of your fanfic today?


Oh thank you for responding!


@Lars-Lion i was pissed because of the Euro Championship so I forgot to update. I'll update later today


Hi Dokku this is Lars good to see you!
           I was wondering in the next chapter of Date a Mysterious Being or a few chapters after it, while the spirit battle royal competition is ongoing, are we gonna see more romance with Lucas and his harem that he hasn't spend more time with such as Kurumi and Nia, seeing you do write very 'intimate' scenes between Lucas and one of his Harem in the previous chapters starting from Yamai Sisters to Origami. 
          I was wondering are both of them be left out of that eroge part or you're doing it in the later chapters?
          Anyway aside from that, I feel Kurumi will win the competition in the next few chapters, having her weeklong honeymoon with Lucas. 
          'More romance between them!'
          Kurumi is the best girl in Date A Live!
          Oh! thank you for the chapter! I've always like your work!


Okay thanks for clearing up the misunderstanding. I hope Lucas spends more time with the girls that weren't covered yet in the next chapters such as Kurumi and Nia as they were left out in a sense. 
            Thank you Dokku.


@Lars-Lion nono, I'm not offended, but surprised you didn't get the joke 


You there? You could at least respond.


Hello dokku I wanted to ask you that I saw in the book that you would make lemon and I wonder wouldn't you want to make lemon  with every spirit? What would it be like if Lucas had all the girls, what do you say?


@Dokkkku I understand ok, sorry for saying something uncomfortable


@ZekePennywork i don't even wanna answer that lmao


Hi Dokku this is Lars I'm wondering when you are uploading the next chapter of Date A Mysterious Being?


Thanks! Also for the event's of volume 19 let's get to see Kurumi's love confession just like the previous season 2 trailer you previously wrote in your fanfic since we knew its been a long time coming for both of them and let's hope for more romance between Lucas and Kurumi since there was a lot of focus with Lucas and the other members of his harem.


@ Lars-Lion  I was at a Convention on the other side of the country this weekend so I didn't have time to publish the next chapter. I'll make sure to do it today


Hi dokku this is lars I was wondering are you uploading the newest chapter of Date a Mysterious Being Fanfic today?


Ok thanks for explaining.


@ Lars-Lion  sunday. Production isn't keeping up with releases, so I'll have to go back to weekly chapters


You there? You haven't respond for a while.