
(If you're not interested in the person behind the profile you don't have to bother reading the whole thing, it's just more of an update on how i'm leaving this website sorta)
          	I'll be honest with you guys, and i can't stress this enough. I'm not on Wattpad that much anymore, and i'm quite sorry for that. Though that should not stop you from reaching me on other social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Discord. (Considering that those are the mains things i use to communicate with others on) There's even a link to my Facebook on this profile (Don't know if it's updated but i'll be sure to check) I'm on it quite every so often to check DM's and such, so i'll be much more easier to get a hold of, if you planned on talking with me more in the first place. If you really wanna go the extra mile, i have a phone number now, i'll gladly add you into my contacts so we can exchange a conversation, just ask me for it. Sadly though for this account, i don't know much of what it's gonna become. For those who stuck with me for the Sonic.ExE books, or just the content in general, i'm sorry. I'll most likely never get back to those, though that doesn't mean that the idea of continuing those are completely out the door. Obviously school has been a key factor of this, and i'll be honest, i joined this website as way out and such, at the time of joining i was going through some serious depressive, and stressing times in my life, and this was my outlet for those emotions. I've outgrown those feelings, since I've somewhat overcome them in some way. Like i said, i'm sorry if there are some of you who actually are gonna miss the quirky, wierd, and mosochistic/sadist person that i was. It's not completely gone though, obviously you can still follow me with my boring life on the previous mentioned outlets. So yeah, i hope it's been fun for you guys, it sure has for me...eh...kinda ig lol. Cya guys later~ or something!~
          	(@sad_y_boujee ily darlin~ i hope you read this or whatever~~~ <3)


Damn you’ve been on here for a long time- also ur old arts really good


@OfficialLudenberg yeah lol, also thanks i appreciate it, i wish i kept drawing but i sadly gave that up, i've been wanting to make a sonic.exe 4 for the longest but just like drawing, haven't had any motivation for that either. Thanks for the comment on my profile though, it's good to see some random traffic on here every once in a while.


(If you're not interested in the person behind the profile you don't have to bother reading the whole thing, it's just more of an update on how i'm leaving this website sorta)
          I'll be honest with you guys, and i can't stress this enough. I'm not on Wattpad that much anymore, and i'm quite sorry for that. Though that should not stop you from reaching me on other social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Discord. (Considering that those are the mains things i use to communicate with others on) There's even a link to my Facebook on this profile (Don't know if it's updated but i'll be sure to check) I'm on it quite every so often to check DM's and such, so i'll be much more easier to get a hold of, if you planned on talking with me more in the first place. If you really wanna go the extra mile, i have a phone number now, i'll gladly add you into my contacts so we can exchange a conversation, just ask me for it. Sadly though for this account, i don't know much of what it's gonna become. For those who stuck with me for the Sonic.ExE books, or just the content in general, i'm sorry. I'll most likely never get back to those, though that doesn't mean that the idea of continuing those are completely out the door. Obviously school has been a key factor of this, and i'll be honest, i joined this website as way out and such, at the time of joining i was going through some serious depressive, and stressing times in my life, and this was my outlet for those emotions. I've outgrown those feelings, since I've somewhat overcome them in some way. Like i said, i'm sorry if there are some of you who actually are gonna miss the quirky, wierd, and mosochistic/sadist person that i was. It's not completely gone though, obviously you can still follow me with my boring life on the previous mentioned outlets. So yeah, i hope it's been fun for you guys, it sure has for me...eh...kinda ig lol. Cya guys later~ or something!~
          (@sad_y_boujee ily darlin~ i hope you read this or whatever~~~ <3)


OwO what's that?