
I swear my ninjago phase comes back every 3 months. Someone give me good Lloyd x reader recommendations since I need new stories. I keep rereading old ones


@green_hooded_girl, where are you? I miss you . . .


@YouAreDeadInside101 hey sorry for not being active lately. I've just been on tik tok, reading todoroki fan fics, and ignoring the rest of the world. Sorry but im not going anywhere <3


Wattpad is not letting me reply to my pms so sorry if i haven't replied to them yet. I promise im not ignoring y'all


I just cut my own bangs 0-0 i had a total mental breakdown last night. But i dont regret it tbh


@Unholy-cow wow that sounds super interesting thanks for telling me this <3


            Two things-1. I forgot to add the @ at the beginning of my thesis
            2. I apologize for that being a thesis


Okay so, for the first week-to month (it varies depending on the person) you’re going to love them.
            The next stage is hate-and you are going to hate those bangs with a fiery passion and you’ll regret it and try to grow them out. 
            Then, as they grow out you’ll come to have this very neutral opinion of them which will lead you to a decision point-do you keep them or let them grow out? 
            First time around is always split down the middle. Some cut them back, some let them grow. 
            If you let them grow-a few months down the line you’ll want to try bangs again and repeat cycle.
            If you cut them-you’ll be content and then you’ll hate them and then you’ll be neutral. By the third time you cut them, the hate will disappear to be replaced with contentment or neutral detachment. However, if you continue to cut them after this-any time you attempt to grow them out will feel like a waste of time and you’ll end up cutting them again. (Hence the cycle I’m in right now that resulted in my keeping my bangs for six years). 