Update on my books an everything:
"Crystal Hearts" has a planned ending and should have about seven more chapters before it is complete.
"WW3: Just the Beginning of a Nightmare" also has a planned ending. How many chapters until that is done..I'm not sure. The prequal to this book will be out two to three weeks after this book is completed.
"Shameless Immortality" also has a planned ending, however, I might discontinue it due to it being based of a LARP my friend and I did and they possibly not being comfortable with me writing it out into a book.
"War of Two Worlds" will be continued after "Crystal Hearts" is done! Updates might take a while due to it not having a planned ending yet.
New Books:
I will be coming out with an original book titled "That Maine Girl". Updates will also be slow in this book once it is out since I'm still in the process of building the plot.
Another APH fanfic, "Dancing Without Music", will also be coming out. This will be mostly focused on the ship Portpan and is a human AU. Japan will also be transgender (mtf) in this book as well. So any transphobic or homophobic comments will be deleted.
Anyways, that is all for now!
Signing out until next time,