
Hey everyone, 
          	Just announcing my discord server! If anyone wants to chat, keep up to date with my writing projects, or just see what's happening in general, feel free to drop in. I'm not super experienced with running a server, but I'm giving it a go, haha. 
          	Invite link: https://discord.gg/punjc2cA4S


Hello~ :)
          Quick question, do you maybe know how long it will take for Lethal Healer to be complete?
          Because I am absolutely HOOKED!!!
          IT IS SO GOOD im literally gonna cry cause it is not finished yet. I have been binging these two masterpieces in about four days and I am craving for the next book. 
          I am really thanking you for these pieces of Art. The Characters (the character growth?! - the best one I have read so far), the Plot Twists, the found family and the questions about morality, right or wrong and realism. And to round it all up, a healthy dose of trauma as the cherry on top (and the healing/dealing of those).
          Again, thank you for these beautiful books and I wish you the best of all! :)


@ lul2709  Hi!
            Alright, seems like I must learn how to wait patiently :)
            The wait makes the prize Sometimes even sweeter, so I will fully embrace the toture and reread these books over and over again.
            I Hope you finish writing your books without any problems and I will be at the sidelines chearing on!


@lul2709 Hi there! Thanks so much for the lovely words! <3  I can't give you a definite answer, as while I have an outline, it's constantly changing as I write. But I can tell you that Lethal Healer will probably be as long as Veiled Healer, or perhaps even longer.


          I don't know if you still even remember me. But a year or two ago, I commented on "Hesitant Healer" after binging through the entire story in 3 days or so. 
          A few days ago I rediscovered Eliona's War, and it's been a blast reading through Veiled Healer.
          I really love your books and your story. The characters, the lore and the way you write. My only regret being there's no physical copy that I can buy and keep with me forever :P (you should totally consider publishing it as a physical book, by the way)
          Thank you for creating Eliona's War!


@Apostle_of_Vanity I do remember you! :D Thanks so much for the reads and comments and kind words. I appreciate it very much. <3
            I would love to have physical copies one day. That would be the ultimate dream! Maybe in the future, once I finish the first draft of Lethal Healer. ^^


 P.S have you considered creating a discord server for your fans? It might help all the other people who love your works show their appreciation 


Good morning all!
          Just a quick announcement to say that LETHAL HEALER, the third book of the Eliona's War series, is now out again! First chapter has been posted, and will continue to post twice a week going forward.
          And as a gentle reminder, any read requests or self advertisements that are posted either as a comment or on this page will be removed. Please don't do that. There are better ways to get people to read your masterpieces. Find similar stories to what you write, read and comment on those *without* self advertising, and you will find like-minded individuals who will be more willing to read what you write. When you're starting out, that's the absolute best way to bring people to your work. Second is: post regularly and actually *complete* a book. I didn't start getting much reads on my first book until it was marked completed. 
          Alright, that's all for now. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, lol!


@ KurokageJS  That's great news and as a fresher on Wattpad I really appreciate the advice 


Hey y'all! 
          Yes, I'm still kicking! I just have a lot going on the side between writing projects, work, and the approaching gardening season, so I've been pretty quiet on Wattpad. I still stop in every day to see what's happening, though.
          I am sad to see DMs go, as I've had some very lovely conversations with some of you. But I've also had a large amount of spam messages, so it's also kind of nice to not have to deal with those anymore. To anyone who wishes to chat or ask questions, feel free to drop a message here or hit me up on discord.  
          Here's some quick news:
          There's only two more chapters left to post for Veiled Healer (Book 2 of Eliona's War)! After that, we're on to Lethal Healer (Book 3), which will start posting right after that. To those of you who have read part of Lethal Healer before and are wondering where you left off, the first 37 chapters will be familiar, and 38 onwards will be all new content. :)


@KingOfPunkRock99 I believe the last ten chapters will stay locked, like with Hesitant Healer. 


@KurokageJS out of curiosity, will the locked chapters on Veiled Healer unlock after a few chapters of Lethal Healer are posted, or should they have unlocked once you started posting Lethal Healer. I'm fine with either, just curious! Wattpad is a little annoying with new chapters being unlocked (making me sign out then back in to read the next unlocked one every time it gets unlocked) so I just wanted to make sure it's not a Wattpad issue or an issue on my end :) Can't wait to catch back up once you get there