@Brittlecookies567 good luck with your travels, take care of yourself. I'm sure no matter where you go, you will be successful, because you are hard working and very patient. I hope I remain only as a memory to you and when the time comes, I'll get hated on documentaries about you that "who is this psychopath that rejected and hurt her so much" if you do talk about me. And I hope whether long or short, you lead a happy life. And always have the man who was with you during your toughest time with you forever. I hope he keeps you from any heartbreak caused by people who didn't mean to. I hope all your dreams are fulfilled. And from this moment on, I'm Ana, a girl you'll maybe talk about a lot, maybe remember once in a while, but eventually forget. And I send you off with the best wishes I could gather and goodbye. For good.