
Hey y'all! I'm not dead, I swear. I've been slowly but surely working on rewriting Two Murderers. It's gonna have a mostly different plot, fewer plot holes (hopefully), and overall just better writing. Granted, I'm not sure when even the first chapter will be published--I tend to write like ~200 words into the first chapter and give up afterward.... ahahaha. 
          	I'm gonna have to stock up on my coffee and Monster lol. I write best at the ridiculous hours of 12 - 5 AM. Thankfully, summer break starts May 30, so I can finally go back to being the nocturnal creature I am then <3


@Kuroku_Writes I suggest the Irish cream iced coffee- it's delectable 


Hey y'all! I'm not dead, I swear. I've been slowly but surely working on rewriting Two Murderers. It's gonna have a mostly different plot, fewer plot holes (hopefully), and overall just better writing. Granted, I'm not sure when even the first chapter will be published--I tend to write like ~200 words into the first chapter and give up afterward.... ahahaha. 
          I'm gonna have to stock up on my coffee and Monster lol. I write best at the ridiculous hours of 12 - 5 AM. Thankfully, summer break starts May 30, so I can finally go back to being the nocturnal creature I am then <3


@Kuroku_Writes I suggest the Irish cream iced coffee- it's delectable 


this message may be offensive
Bro I've been writing several of my fanfics off and on and not finishing a single chapter since--what, June 2023??? Jesus fuck I'm so sorry y'all. I swear, I've been 2k+ words into several chapters of different fics and then restarted b/c I wasn't satisfied
          How tf am I ever gonna be an actual published author if I can't even finish a single chapter anymore? 
          Most recently I've been working on a Scaramouche x Reader Modern AU (as if there aren't already a million out there ). I've got the Cast chapter out, and am just over 600 words into the first actual chapter. Not saying when (or even if) anything will be published, b/c hell if I know aha. Genshin hyperfixation go brrrrr. I've also been working on Red Tears off and on...
          No clue about Two Murderers, though. I might just totally unpublish and rewrite it so I don't have to about the old and new chapters clashing, as they currently do. I have part of the rewritten version of the 2nd chapter already finished on a Google Doc... However, with 60+ chapters I've written over the years, I'm not sure how it'll all work out, and ik y'all still enjoy it despite it not being updated in fuck-knows-how-long...
          Needing some feedback here. Thoughts?


Old reader here— definitely keep two murderers up, since A LOT of people still love the book. However, I recommend setting it to the side until you want to revisit it, and instead, focus on new works that you want to put out there.


˗ˏˋ꒰。️⋆°✰꒱ ˎˊ˗ ;; SOMEONE had send a letter to you today...[ please accept it! ]
           hii! how are you today? are you feeling fine today? btw, thanks for adding my fan-fic to your reading list! i really appreciate it <33 Please remember to take care of your health first before anything else! Have a wonderful day ahead of you, hehe~  (๑>◡<๑)
          - izzyy
          ⟣┄─ ˑ ◌ ִ   ፧  ּ  ️  ִ  ݊   ʚ ɞ ׁ  ֢  ㇴ ۫


@Rumi_rspt lol yea I'm doing ok. and ofc! 



this message may be offensive
          ok, so i know i havent been updating my stories for a hot minute, but HOLY FUCK YALL!!! yall HAVE to read this fucking AMAZING ticci toby x reader fanfic series.
          the fics are:
          1. An Eye For An Eye
          2. Eyes of Deception
          both are by @auroraxx
          The plot is GOD TIER. Like, holy fuck i have been ugly crying over it for over 30 mins now. this fic is life-altering, frfr. its one of, if not THE best fics ive EVER read. hands down. i cant recommend this more. 10000/10. 6 stars. SHOW THE AUTHOR SOME LOVE PLS THEIR FICS ARE AMAZING!!!


@sam-winchesters-slut I knowww omg. I've been trying to rewrite the entire fic but there are SO MANY chapters and the new plot is completely different from the old one... I don't want to unpublish the fic tho for those who (somehow) enjoy it--at least until I'm able to rewrite every. last. chapter...
            Yeah, might as well call the funeral home ahead of time aha


this message may be offensive
 Im not gonna lie, i just re read a few chapters of your jtk x reader fic and oh my god the quarantine flashbacks hit me hard. I cant believe i read that WHOLE thing. The whole arc with offenderman and everything was fucking insane wtf


@Kuroku_Writes whoops, misspelled their user. its @aurorauxx


Today's my 17th birthday....
          ...I don't feel 17. At all. I feel like I should still be, like, 14. 
          I'm not ready to start adulting!!


@Kuroku_Writes yooo, Happy Birthday!! 


I swear I'm not dead, y'all! Just haven't had a working PC or even keyboard lately. I also have been having extremely bad writer's block. It's so frustrating. I have these Vague Ideas™, but the words to comprehend said ideas are ✨nonexistent✨
          I haven't even been able to read anything. I'm missing so many updates of my favorite fanfics, but can't focus on/comprehend what I'm reading.
          School has also been super draining, so there's that, too..
          Overall, I'm ✨stressed✨ and ✨frustrated✨ and I'm sure y'all are, too. I haven't updated any of my fanfics in like 6+ months, probably longer. 
          Time has no meaning anymore 
          Anyway, I'm still *attempting* to write, but I haven't been getting very far... I'm so very sorry for the ridiculously long wait between chapters (especially with Two Murderers). 
          Life, y'know?
          I love and appreciate all of y'all, though! Thank you for reading my stuff. I hope everyone has a great week(end)!
