
Hi everyone! Yuri, YF-Chan, and I have a tumblr account and I would just like to share this with u guys!! ^^ We take oneshot requests as well as introducing ourselves etc. We share our experiences and go slightly into our daily lives(;3). So feel free to suggest anything or ask us any questions u have! That's all from me~
          	Kurai signing out~ ^3^/


Hi everyone! Yuri, YF-Chan, and I have a tumblr account and I would just like to share this with u guys!! ^^ We take oneshot requests as well as introducing ourselves etc. We share our experiences and go slightly into our daily lives(;3). So feel free to suggest anything or ask us any questions u have! That's all from me~
          Kurai signing out~ ^3^/


Hello~ senpai


Well about to 15 next year 


 Ne? How old you thought I was?