
The wait is over, the next Episode for Do You Love Me is now in the works! I hope everyone is excited because I am! I WANNA GET BACK INTO WRITING THE STORY! It's coming soon, so just wait!


I've been drawing a lot these past few days and if you see my twitter then you know what I mean. Which is one of the reasons why I haven't posted a new chapter yet. I have also been grinding Valorant Ranked and now I have reached Gold 1 rank TwT.


For those of you who saw, I accidentally uploaded the newest chapter for "Do You Love Me?"
          Anyways, that is just confirmation for you guys that I have not abandoned or given up on this series, and I never will.


Funny number 


I will not be writing any chapters for Do You Love me for 1 month. I don't want to write if I don't have any motivation or if I'm not feeling it, I don't want the chapters to seem rushed and half assed. I hope you all understand. I honestly am not feeling it today and I don't think I will for a little while.
          Right now, I don't want to do anything with my fanfics for a while. I will focus on my own original story and come back whenever I think I am ready.
          Thank you guys for being patient, till next time.


As I have said in a previous announcement in my main fanfic book, I am taking a quick break from the Fanfic world. Don't worry, I'll get back to writing. It's just that I need to rest from some IzuOcha. 
          I'm working on a new light novel, it's gonna be. A good one. When I'm ready, and that's soon, I will publish my first chapter of the book. I think you'll like this new book!
          I won't announce the name yet, but what I can tell you is that it is an INTERESTING story. If any of you are interested in reading, just keep on checking your notifications to see if I ever announce it's name and plot.


lemme guess if you understand this
          Putangina, pinoy ka ba? Tama o mali? 
          Tangina gandang basahin yung libro mo par.
          Yung dahilan kung bakit ako nagtanong kasi yung pangalan ng Profile.
          If you don't understand this it's okay 


Ugh ehug ugh ehu


Pukinginang yan optimum pride

