
If you could choose one story for me to update next. Which one would it be? 
          	I want to focus on making some new chapters for my unfinished stories, but I am also rewriting my old ones. I don’t know how many of you have seen the rewritten chapter of Royal duty, but I have worked on that as well as my other stories. I will most likely keep doing that, but I would also like to know what I should prioritize. Rewriting is for the most part simpler than making new things from scratch, but it also gives less freedom to change stuff. It is about as time consuming if you are a perfectionist. Still it’s my work, I can do what I want with it and have changed a lot in wild now that I am rewriting it. That one is very difficult though. Mainly because most of it was just made on the spot, and my writing has changed a lot. 
          	I always end up being more content with the rewritten chapters though. It is work and to many it may seem like unnecessary work, because I do think people like the old chapters in many of my stories. I just want to be proud of every thing I have made. 
          	Anyway rant over. What should I try to update next. I have a plan for rare and alone with six, but not fair fangs. 


@Kuzuboshi that's great. I really like the atmosphere of this book. I'm waiting for the next chapters, good luck with rewriting  Fighting!


@natazjaq I am glad. Did you know that it’s actually a complete story, I am rewriting it? I am glad you like it, the rewritten version is much better, but the plot is still…. A little weird. It was my first story so I just pushed everything in there and now I am trying my best to clean it up and write it better. 
          	  I am working on the next chapter,  hopefully it won’t be too long. 


@Kuzuboshi I really love Wild 


Are you going to update Alone With Six?


@Kuzuboshi hope someday you can write it again.


Good question. I don’t know. I tried writing the next chapter, but it’s so forced. It isn’t badly written per se, but it just doesn’t work when I have to force it like that. 
            Maybe I will complete that chapter some day. Maybe I will get a burst of inspiration, but for now, the story remains on hiatus. Sorry. 


If you could choose one story for me to update next. Which one would it be? 
          I want to focus on making some new chapters for my unfinished stories, but I am also rewriting my old ones. I don’t know how many of you have seen the rewritten chapter of Royal duty, but I have worked on that as well as my other stories. I will most likely keep doing that, but I would also like to know what I should prioritize. Rewriting is for the most part simpler than making new things from scratch, but it also gives less freedom to change stuff. It is about as time consuming if you are a perfectionist. Still it’s my work, I can do what I want with it and have changed a lot in wild now that I am rewriting it. That one is very difficult though. Mainly because most of it was just made on the spot, and my writing has changed a lot. 
          I always end up being more content with the rewritten chapters though. It is work and to many it may seem like unnecessary work, because I do think people like the old chapters in many of my stories. I just want to be proud of every thing I have made. 
          Anyway rant over. What should I try to update next. I have a plan for rare and alone with six, but not fair fangs. 


@Kuzuboshi that's great. I really like the atmosphere of this book. I'm waiting for the next chapters, good luck with rewriting  Fighting!


@natazjaq I am glad. Did you know that it’s actually a complete story, I am rewriting it? I am glad you like it, the rewritten version is much better, but the plot is still…. A little weird. It was my first story so I just pushed everything in there and now I am trying my best to clean it up and write it better. 
            I am working on the next chapter,  hopefully it won’t be too long. 


@Kuzuboshi I really love Wild 


Hi. Been a while. I don’t know how many people are going to read this, but I thought I would write it anyway. 
          So as most of you are aware, my stories have fairly slow updates, some I haven’t updated in a long time. I have changed my life schedule once again and am currently studying in Japan. Which is another reason why the times I update will be different. Time zones. 
          Since I need to commute for over an hour every day, it is a nice chance to get some writing done, unless it’s rush hour, which can be very cruel in Tokyo. Unfortunately that is about 50 percent of the time I take the train, but it’s still better than nothing. 
          I will try my best to continue the small writing streak I have had lately. Hopefully it will become a big one so I can write even more for you. 
          Next update will be rare and after that most likely wild. Do you have any other wishes? 


@Kuzuboshi please keep updating rare, I know I'm late :-)


Hello everyone. 
          I have now finished both our hour long school performance and both dance and song audition for our school musical (I really want a big role, so wish me luck). This means that two out of three things that has kept me stressed and occupied are officially over. The next is a concert which we will have next Wednesday. I was asked earlier today to sing a solo on said concert, but I am sure that will go well. Next week I will officially be off for holidays, and this means that I will have more time to write. 
          Anyways, now that I have explained part of my reason for my busy schedule and recent inactivity, I thought I would share a happy decision with you. Lately I have been working on the final chapter to royal duty and though there still is more to write, I am 90 percent certain it will be finished before Christmas Eve. I have also decided to try my best to update all my stories before the end of the year. There are quite a few stories now, so I’ll see whether or not I will be able to, but I will try my best. And if I cannot finish them all, then I will hopefully be able to update during the remains ones during January. :) 


Hi, it’s been a while. Sorry about that. 
          I have started a new school this year and I am still trying to get used to the routines. Since this is a live in school that has program most days from morning to evening, and has classes on Saturday, it really does take some getting used to. It is not otherwise challenging as it is more of fun year. 
          I can’t promise very many frequent updates very soon as I am going on a school trip to Israel and Jordan and afterwards have to focus on the concert I will have with my class. I do have free time in between though, and probably plenty of time to write on the plane ride. 
          I will be honest and say that I have probably only written 3000 words in total since august, but we’ll get there. No stories are discontinued and I will try my best to update soon. 
          Anyway, if any of you are still reading this, I would like to ask the readers of Royal duty whether you want the next chapter to be a very long one, consisting of about 4-5 parts in one or if you want me to update it with the first part right away, and rather have the chapter be cut up (kind of). In the end I am planning for the chapter to become one single part once I finish them all. 
          Tell me what you want. I promise to try to update my stories soon. 


@youraverageami Okay  Thank you for responding. 


I’d prefer a longer chapter, since that’s the way you’ve been planning it!


Hooo, the punctuation errors in this. This is why you need to proofread children. 