
I'm still working on Book Zero, I've been hit in the face by writers block, and my ability to write creatively is almost nonexistent right now. What I have is poorly written just for the sake of getting something on the page, I'm gonna' keep on moving.


I'm still working on Book Zero, I've been hit in the face by writers block, and my ability to write creatively is almost nonexistent right now. What I have is poorly written just for the sake of getting something on the page, I'm gonna' keep on moving.


I've been faced with Ending Fatigue, and writers block, that is not to say that I'm not writing, because I am. I'm still working on Legend of Arkadi, but at a very slow and careful pace. This story has been in the works since I was in High-School, and I want to see this story given the justice it ultimately deserves. My aspirations to see it as it's own expanded Universe still carries me forward, and I will see it done, but I will only see it done right.