
4 out of 5 people get birthday Money in their cards. My little Sisters birthday is coming up. She’s number five. She can enjoy the empty card thought? :)


(NSFW) so I was scrolling through instagram and I got a DM. Harmless right? Me and this girl talked,then she sent me a TIT PIC AND SSKED FOR NUDES LIKE WTF SHES 24 AND IM 13


Alright,so if your one of the people I’ve had a conversation with on here,you *might* know what’s going on. I went to the mall today and someone tried So,if your a friend,please help,I’m having a breakdown in the bathroom and don’t know what to do.


Just some dude who helped me find where I was going.


@KyeTheClaim , woah hey who?!?


this message may be offensive
Okay soooo- *gay panic time* as some of you may (or may not) know,I am Pansexual. Meaning that regardless of someone’s gender or sexuality,I will date them (if I like them-) and today when my mum took me to the store to get ice skates for my cousins party today right? And she told me I could take the bus instead so I did. I got my ticket,and sat down. Then we go to the first stop and this like REALLY PRETTY AND HOT girl gets on and sits next to me. I guess she could tell I was a bit (Uncomfortable/nervous) so she looked at me and smiled,holding her hand out “I’m Cora” I’ve never blushed so hard in my life. But I took her hand and nervously said “I’m Kye.” Soon we started talking and shit,right? Then she said “do you want my number?you seem pretty cool!” And I nodded a bit and she handed me a peice of paper with her number. I looked at it then it hit me. She’s from Florida. She has blonde hair with blue roots,green eyes,and a lot of freckles. But Jesus she’s pretty.i jut got home and called the number and guess who picked up. Cora. She answered with her (APARENTLY) standard “thank you for calling Cora!~ whos this?” And I said “hey Cora,it’s Kye.hust thought I’d let you know I’m home.” She said “oh cool!” Then we talked for a bit then she had to go. She’s a SAGITTARIUS (I’m a Leo) shes 14 (a couple years older than me) and she’s moving up to (my state) to live with her dad. *gay panic over*


Wassup it's me


@Lkat-owo YEEEEEEE alright!!!